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- (Note that these docs are for the previous version of SWSI. See the docs
- within the program for v1.7 info - such as how to look at the pictures in
- the Gallery.)
- ShareWorld Sonic Interrogator v1.06
- Released with issue 8 of ShareWorld, May 1997
- This program is copyright © Carl Read 1996, 1997
- The music `Tomorrow' is copyright © Mike Richmond 1997
- The Music `Chipchoon' is copyright © Mike Richmond 1997
- SWSI is designed to run alongside the Amiga disk magazine ShareWorld. As
- well as playing the issue's music it also lets the user answer the
- ShareWorld Questionnaire while reading the mag, even if they autobooted
- it. Although designed for using while the mag is running, SWSI is a
- stand-alone program and can be run just like any other program. It was
- introduced with ShareWorld Six, released in April of 1996.
- This Documentation Reader
- The text in these docs can be scrolled using the buttons in the bottom
- right of the window or by using the slider-bar on its right side. You
- can also scroll the text by clicking on it and, while holding the mouse
- button down, moving the pointer up or down. There are five speeds of
- scrolling from fast-up through stopped to fast down. The window can also
- be resized - with the text wrapping tidily. The Help button on the main
- SWSI window will bring up this window, as will choosing Help from the
- menus.
- The Music Player
- Music will start playing when SWSI is first run and the program allows
- you to play with it using its various gadgets. These are all on SWSI's
- main window and are as follows...
- Volume Control
- These three gadgets alter the volume of the music. They are the `left'
- and `right' buttons and the slider gadget situated to the right of the
- word `Volume'. Clicking on the buttons will increase or decrease the
- volume while the slider may be used to quickly set the volume to
- somewhere near where you want it.
- The Filter
- The Amiga's low-pass audio filter may be turned off and on using the
- Filter cycling button. Note that what is said on the button is what will
- happen when you click on it and not the state the filter's currently in.
- So if it says `Filter On' then the filter is off and thus ready to be
- turned on. You know it makes sense... (Yes, I know, I should have used
- radio buttons - but this was a rushed job. Okay?)
- Stopping The Music
- The cycling button that says either `Silence' or `Music' is for turning
- the music on and off. When it says `Silence' the music should be playing
- - with clicking on `Silence' turning it off. (Yes, it should have been
- radio buttons too.)
- The Music
- Below the word `Music' is a box containing the modules you can listen
- to. The one selected will be highlighted. To choose another just click
- on its title.
- The Questionnaire Editor
- The Questionnaire part of SWSI is for the readers of ShareWorld to give
- their opinion of the various contributions to the magazine, the results
- of which appear in the Feedback section of the magazine. For each
- article, picture or whatever a rating can given and, if you wish, some
- comments added as well. These can be saved to disk and when complete,
- sent to the editor who'll add them to the next issue's Feedback.
- The following is a description of the various features of the
- Questionnaire Editor. (You will have to open up the window to see them
- all.)
- Name
- Enter your name in the text-entry box to the right of the word `Name'.
- This is just so we can keep track of the various questionnaires returned
- and it WON'T appear in Feedback. If you want it made know that
- the comments are yours then say so at the end of each one.
- The Index Buttons
- The `General', `Columns' etc. buttons mirror the Indexes in ShareWorld
- and are to let you quickly find the article you want to rate or to
- comment on.
- The Index Box
- Below the Index Buttons is the Index itself where you can choose the
- contribution you want to rate or comment on. The buttons and slider on
- its right are for scrolling it. Also, just below the scrolling buttons
- are a left and right button for quickly moving back and forth through
- them.
- Colours
- The twelve, coloured buttons to the right of the word `Colours' are for
- choosing the text and background colour of the text-editing box and the
- Help window.
- `*' `!' `?' `c' Making Your Opinion Felt
- The four buttons at the top-left of the text-editing box are for you to
- give a rating to the contribution you've selected. It's a three-star
- system and the four buttons mean the following...
- * Not bad.
- ** Very good.
- *** Awesome! More, more, MORE please!
- ? You didn't understand it.
- ! You thought it was crap.
- c Clears the rating should you get it wrong.
- Just click on these for each contribution, (after you've selected them
- from the Index), and the results will appear just above the buttons.
- Comments
- Should you have any comments on a contribution, after selecting it from
- the Index, type them into the text-entry box at the bottom of the
- window. Keep your comments as short as possible and don't waste space by
- just putting into words what you've indicated by whatever you gave as. a
- rating. Feedback is a big enough file as it is!
- The text-editor is a pretty standard affair (I hope) and has the
- following features...
- Word-wrap: No need to press Return at the end of every line -
- just at the end of each paragraph. It also tidies itself up should you
- re-size its window.
- Cursor controls: The cursors work as expected, (hopefully), and
- when used with shift will move to the top, bottom, left or right of your
- comments.
- Delete: A window will appear if you use shifted delete which
- will offer you the choice of deleting all of your current comments. This
- will ONLY delete the comments you're currently writing - and
- not any you've written about other contributions.
- Block Marking: Text can be marked using the mouse pointer in
- the standard way, letting you cut, copy, paste and delete you text.
- And that's about it. After you've rated and commented on all the
- contributions you can be bothered with, save the completed Questionnaire
- to disk using `Save As' from the Project menu. (That's `Save As' -
- NOT `Save Comments' from the Comments menu.) You can also load
- them back in again so you don't have to fill it all in in the one
- sitting.
- The Menus
- The three menus work in the standard Amiga way, meaning they can also be
- activated by pressing the right Amiga key and their keyboard equivilent
- - `Right Amiga O' for Open and so on.
- Project Menu
- New `N'
- Erases everything you've entered. You'll be given the option of
- canceling.
- Open `O'
- Opens a file requestor and allows you to load in a previously saved file
- containing Questionnaire data.
- Save `S'
- Saves the Questionnaire data to disk without using a file requestor.
- However, a requestor will appear if you've not already saved or loaded
- the Questionnaire data since starting SWSI.
- Save As `A'
- Opens a requestor and allows you to save the Questionnaire data to disk.
- About `?'
- Opens a window giving you some info on this progam.
- Help `Help'
- Opens a window, (meaning the window you're reading this in), which
- contains the documentation to this program - meaning these docs. Along
- with using the gadgets on the right of window to scroll through the
- docs, you can also click on the text in the window and while holding the
- mouse button down scroll the text up and down by moving the mouse up and
- down.
- Quit `Quit'
- Exits the program. Make sure you've saved your Questionnaire results
- before you do this.
- Edit Menu
- Cut `X'
- Cuts a marked block of text out of your comments and stores it so it may
- be pasted back in using `Paste'.
- Copy `C'
- Copies a marked block of text from your comments and stores it so it may
- be pasted back in using `Paste'.
- Paste `V'
- Pastes previously `Cut' or `Copied' text back into comments.
- Comments Menu
- Save Comments `M'
- This opens a requestor and allows you to save the comments you've
- written to disk. This is so you can then turn them into an article if
- you think they're getting a bit long for the meant-to-be-brief
- Questionnaire comments. This only saves the current comments that are
- displayed in the Comments' window and not all the comments you've so far
- entered.
- Delete Comments `D'
- This deletes all of the currently displayed comments.
- Previous `<'
- Moves you back a contribution - meaning up the menus.
- Next `>'
- Moves you forward a contribution - meaning down the menus.
- Finally
- Hopefully all this makes sense and the readers of ShareWorld use it - as
- it'll make the editor's job of compiling the next issue's Feedback a lot
- easier.
- I fully expect this to be pretty bug-ridden - especially in the text-
- editor. It was a rushed job and hasn't had much testing. I also expect
- it to crash when memory is low as Blitz doesn't handle low-memory too
- well. However, if you're carefull you should be able to fill in
- a Questionnaire with it - so good luck.
- Anyway, have fun, and any Questionaires you fill in should be sent to...
- Carl Read
- CyberCraft
- PO Box 14032
- Mayfair
- Hastings 4201
- SWSI History
- 96.04.07 - v1.00: First version finished.
- 96.04.12 - v1.01: Had a report from an A4000 owner saying the program
- was crashing on their machine. This made me wonder if the Blitz commands
- RGBRed (and so on) should be used in preference to Red (and so on) on
- AGA machines so I've added a test for this in the program to see what
- happens.
- Also, while I was at it, I fixed a bug that was causing block-marking to
- write outside the text-box and another that was putting a cursor square
- in the Help window.
- 96.04.19 - v1.02. Figured out the real reason for the above `AGA
- machines' problem. I'd not been taking into account that using non-Topaz
- 8 fonts on 2+ Amiga Workbenchs causes a change in the window-bar size,
- which alters the reading of the mouse x,y positions.
- So I've altered that using WTopOff and, just to be sure, WLeftOff too.
- It would've been nice if you'd told us what those functions were for
- Acid... Oh, and I removed the `Check for AGA machine' routine as it is
- just possible that there's a few non-AGA Amigas out there with wb3 and
- 020s or better.
- 96.10.08 - v1.03: This is the version released with ShareWorld 7. Fixed
- a bug in the article window which was leaving previous article titles
- there if less than five articles were in the section. Where were the
- columns this issue, people?!?
- Removed the `joke' save response when users forgot to include their
- names. May have found the bug that was causing some to have trouble with
- the save routine too.
- And I've found and fixed the bug that was causing the text to get
- screwed up - hurrah! Text entry's still not perfect and I haven't even
- tried to stop the flashing when delete is used, but I think text will
- now stay as it was typed. I think...
- Oh yes, and I've added the all-important dots to the menus. Nothing's
- too much trouble to keep Mike Richmond happy.
- 96.10.10 - v1.04: Noticed a bug on the day of SW7's release! And after a
- few copies had gone out. Anyway, it no longer crashes now if you click
- on the text slider when there's not enough text in the window to slide.
- Also fixed up another little glitch which was giving the cursor a letter
- when you used the shift-cursor-right key combination to go to the end of
- a line.
- 96.10.23 - v1.05: Oops! You couldn't save a Questionnaire after loading
- in a previously saved one. Well, now you can. Thanks for pointing this
- out Mike. (:
- 97.05.24 - v1.06: Altered a few minor things of no importance.